From your Intellectuals and Artists
From your Intellectuals and Artists
Funeral wreath with flowers and tripod.
Variable Dimensions Installation.
From your Intellectuals and Artists
Funeral wreath with flowers and tripod.
Variable Dimensions Installation.
Homeland (Diptych)
Assemblage/Collage with candles on Iberia (175 x 98 x 2 cm) and AirEuropa (138 x 92 x 2 cm) blankets mounted on wall.
Variable dimensions installation.
Soundbite (On the ‘Tightrope’ without Net). 2023 Ambient and immersive multimedia installation produced with paper, electronic audio devices and ambient sound. The rope has been braided with the toilet paper and pulp core of Heisenberg’s The Uncertainty Principle, overlaid with historical documents, personal documents and clippings from philosophical texts (Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas…
Minimal Stories-II (The Great Abjection) 2023 Ambient and immersive multimedia installation. Made with adhoc programming for Arduino UNO, seven RTC devices (seven-segment LED screens) and digital printing, mounted on the ceiling of the exhibition hall. Variable Dimensions
By Yenny Hernández Valdés
The work of artist Ernesto Benitez (Havana, 1971) requires a pause, a meditative moment in the midst of the vortex of the contemporary world to approach it. It is worth saying that Benitez has never been too academic or institutional. He is an artist who shuns the pamphletary and the honeyed and insipid speeches. Certainly, his work has tried to evade, given the uncomfortable nature that characterizes him, the classificatory interstices of “great art”…
By Antonio Correa Iglesias
While there is a visual production that, being Cuban and contemporary, is anchored in technical automatism, in the glossy patina, in the recurrent figuration, in the empty image, in an anxiety to monetize rather than to create something truly new, there is another one that consolidates its processes of inquiry with the sole objective of finding that which constitutes us ontologically. The elusive question for ontology catalyzes here a nature in terms of inquiry, once it does not pursue an attitude as vindication…
By Abram Bravo Guerra
Adjusted to the keys of a past and present with its own dramas, the Cuban visual narrative has cleverly played with the reinvention of processes, styles, discourses, even worn-out speeches. It seems to me a perfectly natural path in a context for which moving at the wrong time has been, more than a matter of regret, a safe bet to take things with a certain reflective distance… However, what about the reflective dissent from Cuban art?…
By Arianna Covas Alemán
From irreverence and satire, Benitez enunciates his theses, of great tropological density and solid conceptual foundation. His artistic proposals are the tip of the iceberg of a whole research process in which philosophical, socio-historical and anthropological knowledge are interconnected. Thus, approaching his work is an intellectual exercise in which any interpretative naivety is discarded. There is nothing puerile and fortuitous in his creative work, but rather a skein of signifiers that the receiver must…