Homeland as Assemblage/Collage

Is this also your homeland? the one that excludes and suffocates you? Here is the kidnapped homeland that spits on you and slanders you. The homeland that ignores, that uses and forgets you. The one that denies, that cuts you off; yes, the one that banishes you and lives off your remittances…

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Homeland (Diptych)

Assemblage/Collage with candles on Iberia (175 x 98 x 2 cm) and AirEuropa (138 x 92 x 2 cm) blankets mounted on wall.
Variable dimensions installation.
Production: Yenny Hernández Valdés.
Exhibited at the Collective Exhibition of Collage in Contemporary Cuban Art Come Together, 2023, Infraestudio, Havana, Cuba.
Curated by: Yenny Hernández Valdés and Ricardo Miguel Hernández.

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