The Instruments of The Process III

Heresy (Dissent) vs. Inquisitio of the Unique and Authoritative Thought. From the series The Process: Photography and Mixed Media on Canvas

Ernesto Benítez Heresy: Instruments of The Process III (Inquisitio) Heretic Contemporary Art Exhibition. Digital photography canvas Herejía Los Instrumentos del Proceso III, visual contemporary art artes visuales Arte Contemporáneo herético: El Proceso, Fotografía Digital en Lienzo (Acrílico, cenizas, ashes, coal painting) Arte y Reflexión Social

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Instruments of The Process III (Ashes Painting and Digital Photography)

Ashes, charcoal, acrylic and digital photography (printed on canvas) and mounted on canvas.

This series of works reflects on doubt as heretical opposition to the authoritarian discourse of coercive persuasion. A series of works that reflects, yes, on dissent, heresy and speaks of fear of control and the pressures of power; then, it speaks of punishment for non-submission (torment, anguish and pain). This project speaks of emptiness, of renunciation… of silent, subtle but perceptible violence. It speaks, in short, of resignation.

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