Incorrigible History of Atheism

A Delirious Rationality: Scattering Some Funeral Ashes of the Illustrated Logos (Totalizing Illusion of Reason)

Incorrigible History of Atheism: Delirious Religion of Reason (Coal and Ashes Art) Visual Contemporary Art on Paper. Historia Incorregible del Ateísmo (Ceniza-Carbón sobre Papel). Obra Arte Contemporáneo Cubano

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Incorrigible History of Atheism

Charcoal and monotypic printing with ashes (from several pages of the Encyclopedia) on paper.
112 x 76 cm.
(Private Collection)

Liberté, égalité, fraternité… et Guillotine.

“The Enlightenment was a flight of Icarus from the mind that extended through the 17th and 18th centuries. A vision of secular knowledge in the service of human rights and human progress was the West’s greatest contribution to civilization. It started the modern era for the whole world; we all are its heirs”.
Edward O. Wilson

Specular Image of the most Radical and Intolerant Logos

This series of works presents a critical reading of the unquestionable role and subsequent impact of the Revolution of Reason in the history of Western thought. Focusing attention on the origins, but above all on the legacy of the Enlightenment, it proposes a reflection on the subsequent implementation -in every sense dictatorial- of the concepts of rationality and progress that govern the West.

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