From your Intellectuals and Artists

Floral arrangement, eschatology and expression of the finite: A heartfelt tribute from your intellectuals and artists (Speaking for all with the voice of no one). A sterile effort to reduce the pestilent emanations of putrefaction…

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From your Intellectuals and Artists

Funeral wreath with flowers and tripod
Variable Dimensions Installation.
Production: Yenny Hernández Valdés
Exhibited at the Collective Exhibition of Contemporary Cuban Art Juana de las Flores, 2023, La Lavandería, Havana, Cuba.
Curators: Yahíma Rodríguez Pupo and Maybel Elena Martínez Rodríguez.

From your Intellectuals and Artists (Background: a vicious circle)

As is well known, the circle is a sort of tropological figure that has many meanings.  It is attributed connotations of perfection and unity that refer to the absolute; to the unstoppable rhythm of nature. For various ideologies throughout the world, the allegory of the circle directly embodies a symbolism of continuity and eternity. It alludes to the cycle of life in which there is no beginning without end; a cycle whose meaning always takes us back to the exact point where it began. Funeral wreaths inherit this circular form and assume, since ancient times, these assumptions.

A bit of history: about death and the living dead

From your Intellectuals and Artists… In ancient times, wakes were held in the homes of the deceased where the conditions of preservation of the lifeless body were often not even remotely the most adequate. The stench generally impregnated the space of “exposition” and the relatives sent flowers so that their smell “perfumed” the place and counteracted, as far as possible, the pestilent emanations of the putrefaction of the body. In other words, the flowers were intended to make the fetid stay among the deceased more bearable. In such a context, this work alludes to the concept of death, to the fact of dying while alive and to the living dead, elevating these and other eschatological motivations to a leading role.

Polysemy, contradiction and/or ambiguity?

Because of the associated symbolism, over the years funeral wreaths (today floral wreaths) have been absorbed by a remarkable variety of ceremonial events. For example, in many countries these floral arrangements are still used as decorative elements during Christmas and Advent… This character of festivity, jubilation and celebration derived from death that exalt the ambiguous and contradictory (not dual or antinomic) character of the floral wreaths, also mark the discourse of this polysemic installation…

Speaking for all with the voice of no one… What the fuck! (From your Intellectuals and Artists)

In short, “Of your intellectuals and artists” consists of a funeral wreath, ordinary, commissioned for the occasion. A single wreath mounted on its characteristic tripod, whose dedication is inspired by the Machiavellian and manipulative praxis that leads politicians to set themselves up as the messianic “voice of the people” to speak on behalf of the members of a certain sector and, in the worst of cases, to pretend to speak for everyone… even when they do not represent us. That´s it: From your Intellectuals and Artists

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