1959 (Ephemeral Installation)

Labyrinth of ideas: From Utopian Fiction to the Paradigm of Decadence (Survivors Series)

Arte Cubano Conceptual Cuba 1959, site-specific art. Aesthetic of Decadence-Decay, Survivors, Art and Politics Dogma Retrograde Utopian Ephemeral Contemporary Art (Sobrevivientes Estética de la Decadencia, Arte y Política, Dogma y Pseudo-Utopismo Arte y Antropología Retrógrado Arte Contemporáneo Efímero)

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1959 (Ephemeral Art)

Sea Stones
Installation of variable dimensions
Exhibited for the first time in the Personal Exhibition “Sobrevivientes”, Domingo Ravenet Art Gallery, Havana.

Ideological labyrinth of decadence and authoritarianism: From utopian fiction to the paradigm of decadence and self-pity. The rite of resignation versus dogma and extreme ideologization. Chronicle of self-cloister, dissent, disappointment and social, political disaffection.

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