Minimal Stories-II (The Great Abjection): Censorship in Cuba

Fear, Paranoia, Dogma and Authoritarianism (theocracy/ideological fundamentalism): Censorship and the Dictatorship of the One Thought (Unique Thought)… The Great Abjection.

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Minimal Stories-II (The Great Abjection)

Ambient and immersive multimedia installation. Made with adhoc programming for Arduino UNO, seven RTC devices (seven-segment LED screens) and digital printing, mounted on the ceiling of the exhibition hall.
Variable Dimensions

To alienate, to numb, to anesthetize consciences and to dilute individualities: Censorship

Minimal Stories-II (The Great Abjection) is an environmental installation conceived from the design and development of digital programming for Arduino UNO with seven RTC peripheral devices of led screens and digital printing mounted on the ceiling of the exhibition hall. It is a work that describes a virtual mapping of the history of censorship based on seven stations. Prison, exile, scorn and social exclusion, ostracism or death have been and are the destinies of many thinkers throughout the history of mankind, whose heretical crime may have been, in any case, to think outside the official discourse: to question, disagree or dissent. Their postulates, their theories -of whatever kind- have constituted and still constitute, even today, a simple and crude excuse to get rid of individuals who are a nuisance for their ideas… and indeed; there we have, for example: the death penalty of Socrates in 399 BC; the condemnation for heresy of William of Ockham in 1327; the burning at the stake of Giordano Bruno on February 17, 1600; the excommunication of Spinoza in 1656; the poisoning of Nicolas de Condorcet in 1794; the persecution in the United States of alleged communists accused by Joseph McCarthy of subversion or treason (between 1950 and 1956); or the ostracism, the banishment, the mockery by censorship of Virgilio Piñera, Lezama Lima and many, many other intellectuals in Cuba -whose political foundation was grotesquely laid down in those historic and very polemic Words to the Intellectuals unveiled by Fidel Castro himself in the National Library in 1961 and which is still imposed as an ideological parameter to this day?
This work makes a solemn review of the most important cases of censorship that have occurred in the West from ancient Greece to the present day…

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