Prima Tria (From the Tabula Rasa series)

Salt, Sulfur and Mercury in Tabula Rasa (Nothingness or Emptiness?): Alchemy and Analogical Thought in the Digital Age

serie Tabula Rasa series Alchemy & Analogical Thought (The Digital Era) Visual Contemporary Art Prima Tria Alquimia y pensamiento analógico (La era digital) Arte cubano: Pintura (Tabula Rasa) Sal, Azufre Mercurio sobre lienzo Arte Contemporáneo

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Prima Tria (From the series Tabula Rasa)

Salt, Sulfur, Ashes, Cobalt, Copper & Iron Oxide and objects on canvas and panel
(Work in Progress)

Prima Tria-I
167 x 220 cm.

Prima Tria-II
220 x 167 cm.

Prima Tria-III
167 x 220 cm.

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