Jewels (fractured diamonds) of Western Humanism and their Funeral Ashes… Protagonism In Absentia of the most Radical Tradition.
In Absentia (De la serie Ab æternō)
Shells, fractured diamonds (with different cuts), ashes from burned books of philosophy and humanities (Plato, Descartes, St. Augustine, Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Lyotard…), jewelry tools and red carpet.
(Work in Progress)
7-21 jewels of Western philosophical and humanist thought are called to be declared In Absentia in this piece. Its avatars are manifested through the ashes of its work; funerary matter that, in turn, tries to hide its own iniquities…
According to this work, Claudia Placeres Gómez pointed out at the time of its exhibition during the 13th Havana Biennial… In Absentia is for the artist a point of inflection between the apprehended and its renewal. The ashes, a recurring resource in the work, symbolize what has been left after traveling the narrow path in search of his own truth. The seven scallop shells are the containers that exhibit his life story, philosophical thought and seven years of self-reflection.
The creative pilgrimage, introspection and silence of the artist during the last seven years are translated into the rebirth of his work, which is sustained by the rigorous selection of the precepts that have rightly defined him and the values that will do so in the future. The diamond symbolizes the time of maturation, of investigation and purification, it is the pure thought extracted from the ashes.