Power without authority and authoritarianisms: Disintegration of the garbage-man in the hypnotized mob….
The abode of Leviathan
Ephemeral installation made with 64 inflated garbage bags, ropes and labels.
Variable Dimensions
” The abode of Leviathan” reflects on power without authority and on the authoritarianisms that emanate from absolute power, power without limits, greed and excessive ego. It reflects on the quasi-divine connotation and the dogmatically religious character of all “coexistence” based on the absolutist theism of totalitarianisms.
“The abode of Leviathan” assumes that, in the homogeneity of the mass, subjected to power exercised without authority and beyond the arbitrariness of the diffuse “hierarchies”, each subject is reduced to mere statistical values; although no one counts, in the mass everyone is a number and their value lies in the data they carry, voluntarily, or under strict control. We allude here, without forced ecologisms, to the philosophy of garbage (philosophy of culture?) and to the gregariousness of the The garbage-man, stripped of identity and paradoxically condemned to its disintegration in the mass. Allusion is made here to the disciplined will; to the dispensability of the subject, to uniform collectivism and the Machiavellian anonymity of the hypnotized mob. Here we allude, yes, to a disposable subject; to a being that is annulled, ignored, devalued, neutralized, replaceable, recyclable: a being that is no longer…