To Sink the Finger into the Sore: Ascending to the Depths. Opus alchimicum artifex (Pain is The Life series)
Mysterious Copula (Pain is The Life)
Wood (mahogany), copper, salt, ashes, charcoal and fractured diamond (bright)
175 x 90 x 90 cm. (The figure) Variable dimensions Installation.
Shown for the first time at the Exhibition “Pain is The Life”, Luz y Oficios Gallery, Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design (CPAPD), Havana.
Non-Duality: Opposites Relationship
You have willingly fed
your own evils and misfortunes:
very soon they will break you
like a diamond breaks the rock.
Dhammapada, the teachings of Buddha
The knife, a hermetic symbol of the active principle that shapes matter, is the central icon of this piece that reflects on sacrifice (the wound, fracture, scission and pain that are inherent to it) and on the relationship of opposites as the philosophical key to all mysteries and the most important foundation of the path that constitutes existence itself. Made of wood (mahogany) and copper (symbol of love in the alchemical planetary relationship, where it is associated with Venus) to allude to sexual union as the main element that defines the relationship of opposites and breaks with the schizophrenic dualistic fracture that characterizes Western thought.
“Man is not destroyed by suffering, but by suffering without any sense”
Viktor Frankl
“Mysterious Copula” reflects on the explosion of the moment in which non-duality (integrating quality of consciousness beyond the structures fixed by the mind) is fecundated in the world of phenomena, to refer, inevitably, to emptiness (absence of inherent existence) and the interdependence of all phenomena.