Only Me in my Destiny (Of Shaman and Ánthrōpos)

Alienation and Self-Awareness of Illustrated Reason. Are we what we think? (Of shaman and ánthrōpos). Series Pain is The Life

Ernesto Benítez Only Me in my Destiny (Of shaman & ánthrōpos) Alienation of Encyclopaedic Illustrated Reason Pain is Life Story Art, Utopia in Contemporary Art Fire, Ashes Coal Installation Sculpture Efemeral Art. Sólo Yo en mi Destino (El Dolor es La Vida). Arte Contemporáneo Artes Visuales y Artes Plásticas, Galería Luz y Oficios CPAPD Artista Cubano

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Only Me in my Destiny (Pain is The Life)

Papier mache with texts on philosophy, anthropology and personal documents.
29 x 46 cm. (Variable dimensions Installation)
Shown for the first time at the “Pain is The Life” Exhibition, Luz y Oficios Gallery, Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design (CPAPD), Havana

To Be continuum: States in Motion

We are what we think.
Everything that we are arises with our thoughts.
Dhammapada (The Buddha’s teachings)

Only me in my Destiny… This work discards the idea of blind or capricious destiny, governed by a succession of fatalisms that in no way can be changed, to support the idea that destiny is, inevitably, our own and exclusive work: a concept of destiny strictly tailored to the merits and demerits of each individual. In other words, a destiny governed by our own ethical positions.

Des/memories: Transition, Space and Time

“I’m not sure I really exist (…) I don’t know anything. Imagine that I don’t even know the date of my death…”
Jorge Luis Borges (In an interview with El País. Buenos Aires, 1981)

This work discusses moral blindness and immediacy; haste in the here-now era; ubiquity and self-satisfaction. It proposes a reflection on the fatalistic enunciations that condemn man -victim of circumstances and incapable of assuming the reins of his own becoming- to a perennial and capricious erring without finality, analogous to the archetypical blind advance.
With an autobiographical focus, this work fixes its gaze on the destiny that is already being: the reality subject to the temporal continuum. Aware that each small action determines our lives, this is a work that (causalities aside) revalues man’s capacity for commitment to himself and his future. “Only me in my Destiny” reflects, in short, on the responsibility towards the construction of our becoming as a crude exercise of participation in the essential absurdity of existence itself, where the present is not something fugitive, passing, but the future itself, continuously persistent and, therefore, lasting… A future in perennial configuration…

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