Seven Days of Silence (Project)… The Semiotics of Silence

Ernesto Benítez Arte Contemporáneo Cubano: 7 Siete Días de Silencio, Ernesto Benítez
7 Días de Silencio (Serie de Obras Ernesto Benítez producidas en España, Paloma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares)

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Seven Days of Silence (2011-2018)

“A material sign is not necessary to express an idea: language can be content with the opposition of something to nothing.”
Ferdinand de Saussure

7 days of silence: cloister, retreat. Exhaustion, apathy and laziness as reactions to the saturation of ideological discourses, on the one hand, and cultural pamphleteering, on the other, lead the artist to a period of retreat, personal recollection and study, based on silence as an attitude and absence. Seven years of voluntary estrangement from the art institution and public presentations without abandoning the creation of new works, new series and new projects derived from a long period of reflection on himself, his work and his commitment to art.

The Silence in the Behavioral Perspective (Reflection Project and Exutorium)

This section shows only a very small part of the project. To access the details about “Seven Days of Silence”, please consult this interview with Ernesto Benítez in May 2019 on the occasion of his recent inauguration during the 13th Havana Biennial and then consult the works (installation-sculpture, painting, works on paper, photography, New Media or Ephemeral Porposals…) produced in the period between 2011-2018 to find the conceptual budgets and statements of the different series of works…

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