Fine Arts Academy: Anatomical Study (Artistic Female Nude)

San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts

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Artistic Nude, 1986

Pencil drawings on paper
70 x 50 cm.

In 1986, at the age of 15, Ernesto Benítez entered the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts (in Havana), one of the most prestigious and long-standing visual arts study centers in the region.

Anatomy of the Artistic Nude

Artistic Nude: Work done during the period of Academy education. Four years of intense specialized studies as part of the medium-high level in fine arts; training oriented, to a great extent, to acquire skills and develop traditional techniques of drawing and painting with important emphasis on the study of human anatomy directly from natural, in the field of tekné. From the theoretical point of view, it is worth mentioning the long hours dedicated to deepen and debate about history and theory of art.
These works were done as class exercises during his first year of studies at the San Alejandro Academy. Few works from this and other series produced during that period survived the passage of time and few of them were documented graphically. These nudes belong and are in a privileged place within the author’s personal collection and he proudly shows them in his official website, as recognition and homage to all those who contributed to his artistic formation.

“To all of you, many thanks!”
E. Benítez

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