Psychography or Automatic Writing: The Collective Unconscious (Digital Photography Installation)

Ernesto Benítez Galería de Arte Villa Manuela, UNEAC-Habana
Ernesto Benítez UNEAC Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas Cuba

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Diagnostic Exercise (Borderline), 2006

Photographic Installation: Limited Series (Ed-3 + 1-PA).
Digital Art (New Media)
41 x 51 x 2 cm approx. each photo / 520 x 310 cm installation area.

Psychography and Digital Art (New Media art)

Shown for the first time in the personal exhibition Borderline, Villa Manuela Gallery (National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba – UNEAC, Havana). Ernesto Benitez cynically states that this photographic installation is the result of an autonomous writing or psychographic event. He insists that the work was born suddenly, when an ethereal entity emanating from the collective unconscious recorded these images on his retina and he only emulsified them later in the final photographic medium.

Photographic Installation (Digital Art): Diagnostic Exercise and Exorcism

Diagnostic Exercise is one of the 5 sections in which the museographic design of the personal exhibition Borderline was articulated, as a large Installation thought specifically for that exhibition space (site-specific artwork Installation). It is a work that establishes analogies with the elaboration of psychological and psychiatric diagnoses, as more or less precise constructions that allow identifying and characterizing certain (human) problems for their classification and later evaluation, by virtue of delimiting the different Clinical Entities.
In this photographic installation, the images, of multiple origin (cockroaches, surgical material, medieval torture instruments, firearms, etc.), enunciated as symbolic relics and cultural fetishes, illustrate the psychological profile of the contemporary subject and the spirit of media modernity. At the center of the installation: the specular image (a fragmented and reconstructed mirror) that speaks of wounds and schizophrenic splits. A delirious attempt, perhaps, to place the individual in the dilemma of setting himself up as his own demiurge, embodying the traditional function of the shaman, the healer or social… cultural exorcist.

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