Art and Philosophy (Ethics and Aesthetics) Ontological Foundations in Contemporary Art

Ernesto Benítez Exitus-Reditus Exposicion Arte Cubano en Galeria Servando
Galería Servando, Habana-Cuba (Galería de Arte)
Ernesto Benítez Génesis Galerías de Arte

Share Art and Philosophy (Ontology):

Exitus-Reditus (Cartography of the Self), 2005

Environmental Art: installations and Body Art. Personal exhibition shown at Servando Gallery, (Genesis Art Galleries).
The museographic design proposes a location for the different works from a spiral path.

Metaphysical Mirror: Art and Philosophy (Ontological Foundation)

In contrast to the dogma of gradual processes (linear and ascending) or the unavoidable course of things, this personal exhibition (Exitus-Reditus, Cartography of the Self) proposes a metaphor of the path that constitutes human existence: a journey between heaven and earth or, between the waters above and those below; a mystical labyrinth that we will have to travel assisted, exclusively, by our intimate sense and our ethical budgets. Its essence is governed by concepts that conceive all phenomena organized in the form of cycles and reflects on the role of man as demiurge and architect in his own ontological development.
Assuming the journey as a metaphor of existence, this exhibition was structured on two museographic levels: On the first level, cartograms (mapping) are presented to describe the territory in which the journey takes place. These are drawings made with ash, charcoal, clay, sulfur, and acrylic; and this second level, which refers to the undertaking of the journey through a spiral that the viewer must go through in order to access and contemplate the works: Curtain of Fire, The Great Flight, The Force of the Sacrifice, Trapped at the Crossroads, Nothing More, Nothing Less and Ark of The Life.

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