The Art of Rhetoric: De Veritate, Heraclitus, Heidegger and Bachelard (The Word… Living Fire)

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Logos, 2008 (Triptych)

Ink and Conté Pencil on 300 gs Canson paper.
110 x 75 cm each.
Exhibited at La Casona Gallery (Genesis Art Galleries), Havana.

Art of Rhetoric and the Logic Unreason of the Reason

Art of Rhetoric: “Verb“, “intelligence“, “meditated word“, “reasoning“, “sense“… How many meanings to define the torn flags of the modern western paradigm. “Logos” proposes a dissection of the once great ruler of Western society and culture: logical (rational) thought, its criterion of the factual and its inability to understand more than those phenomena that are outside and free of contradiction; source of totalitarianisms -from lefts and from rights- and its exacerbated pragmatism.
“Logos” comes to explore the logic unreason of reason which, by trying to expand its domain to all spheres of human phenomena, ignored its own rational impossibility -logical impossibility- to understand, for instance, ultimate meaning and transcendence; which makes some outdated people believe that the world is, therefore, necessarily inconsistent. As unique and totalizing alternative, we contemporaries today have inherited a biased scale; the balance of thought tilted to the multiple and the fragmentary from the most radical irrationality. Thus, “Logos” (triptych) is an exploration in the logic unreason of the instrumental reason. A reflection on the origin of this contemporary nihilistic indifferentism and relativism which, backed by existentialist post-structural deconstructivism, even devours its own epistemological paradigm: individuality.

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