Art-Anthropology: the Real, the Virtual & the Ideal (Dystopia and post-human Future).

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REM (Rapid Eye Movement), 2009-2010

ink and Conté Pencil on Fabriano paper.
50 x 65 cm.

Art-Anthropology: Dystopia and Posthuman Future

REM – Rapid Eye Movement discusses about the dissolution of the boundaries between the real and the virtual in the technological era and the confusion that this entails. It proposes a look at the current philosophical theories of being and the post-human future.

REM Phase (Rapid Eye Movement): the Virtual, the Real

As it is known, REM constitutes one of the states of sleep. It is precisely the phase of the dream in which dream sensations are perceived closest to reality… Well, this series of works proposes a reflection on how virtual the real is, where everything is pending and nothing is taken for granted; where nothing is firm or lasting and nothing is safe; hence the levitating images, suspended between the upper and lower margins: between heaven and earth.
REM: the symbols refer directly to helmets, gladiator armours and other images of protective gadgets (or showing off their spirit). However, the symbols bleed, dilute and fade… Decay, decrepitude and terminal states in the symbolism of birds of prey, cockroaches and vectors: Dirt and disease from a corroded and subverted value system. There is no lighthouse, no guide, no path to tread in these drawings… only the lost Self in a Non-Place.
This series is born from the feeling of disorientation typical of dream states to point to false idealism, dystopia and deliriums. Reality and virtuality are intertwined here and in the end everything is a frenzy, an endless nightmare from which we don’t fucking wake up!

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