Contemporary Art and Philosophy: Symbolic Multivalence, Transcendence and Alchemy

Ernesto Benítez Inauguración Exposición Arte Cubano El Gran Vuelo (CPAPyD Luz y Oficios)

Luz y Oficios Gallery

(Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design)(CPAPD)

Centro Provincial de Artes Plasticas y Diseño (Luz y Oficios)

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The Great Flight, 2001-2004

Acrylic and organic material derived from fire (ashes, coal), clay and sulphur on Fabriano paper.
100 x 70 cm.
They were shown in a personal exhibition at Luz y Oficios Gallery (Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design CPAPD), Havana.

Contemporary Art and Transcendental Hermetic Philosophy

In the midst of so much confusion about the varied morphologies of the “new spirituality” or modern religiosity and its capricious cognitive strategies (of subjectivist and epidermal approach to fragmented reality), questions about the meaning of life are generally closely linked or associated with mere pragmatic purposes: social acceptance, personal success and physical-corporal “perfection”. In this sense, then, The Great Flight as a counterpart, from works that propose a transcendental turn and discuss the symbolic character of the human being and appearances as wrappings, clothes that cover with visible veils the essential invisibility of things, phenomena and the world.
As the title indicates, the flight here alludes to the ascent to higher, cosmogonic and ethical values, through the intimate experience (an exercise of dying). To accentuate this idea, the predominant colors: earths and greys (red-black), symbolically enunciate the chromatic relationship of fire in the alchemical proposal (agent of destruction and renewal; death and rebirth).

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