Ernesto Benitez: Philanthropy

By Lida L. Sigas

Time running redundantly, repeating over itself, without renewal. This is already commonplace; so I ask you: do you know what you are going to do? Actually I know the answer: NOTHING. There is nothing you can do, say, and even almost nothing new you can think of.

So you take a pencil, brush, or whatever is most convenient for you and start sketching out uncertainties. A bunch of symbols leading to the same ideas come into play. You don’t look for them, they appear in an inexplicable way and only later do you make the connection: entangled? cryptic? Probably. Those representations that function as your words, as your best tools to communicate, you know they can be a hackneyed path, commonplace. OK. You accept the challenge. You accept to deal again with your whole western heritage of constant searches for absolute truths and sometimes insipid self-recognition; just as you accept the impertinent presence of those images that are always spinning around you.

You also have the recurrence of drawing, which despite your investigations in other media appears unavoidable. Its immediacy now provides you with the necessary dose of veracity to model that which obsesses you daily. On the other hand, you think that the natural decontext where your figures were born, barely cut out on the white cardboard, alludes to a vocation of universality or a need for anonymity for the location of your concerns. Why? Do you not want to be pigeonholed? Do you want to be evasive, tangential? It occurs to you that also you could add some clarifying data to the microcosm of your thoughts shaped on paper, in order to anchor the reading at certain point, but later you decide that you do not want to be evident with your ideas because they are your redoubt, your best place, and whoever arrives must deserve it.

You know well that in the end your questionings grow in the shadow of a deep-rooted love and with many streaks of resistance; but you cannot help making fun of your obstinacy a little

In short… all this overflows many questions already, many dead-end streets. Too many questions with no certain answers. Tiredness. Enough for now, enough of being an echo of the tautology that surrounds you, right?

Published in the Philanthropy exhibition folder. La Casona Art Gallery (Genesis Art Galleries) Havana, Cuba


10 September – 30 October, 2010

Ernesto Benítez gives to us a least part well-known of its production, the exhibition will be from September 10 in gallery La Casona. In this occasion the exhibition will be composed only by drawings. This manifestation, although recurrent in spite of his inquire into other supports, it rarely appears in an exclusive way in his show. His immediacy provides now to him the dose of necessary truthfulness to make model that it obsesses him everyday. The natural decontextual where the figures have born it, almost cut on white cardboard, it mention to an universality vocation or an anonimity necessity for the emplacement of your fears. It reappears the group of symbols that surrounds the artist, challenge accepted to be about fighting with the whole western inheritance of constant searches of absolute truths and self-recognitions. This representation, which serves as words, it’s his best tools to communicate.

Published in and

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